camera turning around a shiny reflecting metal ball in a evenly lightened white sphere to create a projection with a static image of the metal ball, its reflection that never changes even if the speed of the camera varies
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// A COMMENTER ! // ....... // page wiki + photos : // organiser son dossier . dessins, electronic (connexions), programme, ... // source . #define DURATION_SAMPLING 5 // temps entre chaque valeur du capteur et changement de vitesse // Seauence de vitesses pour le moteur const int NB_SEQUENCE = 8; // nombre de sequence int speedSequence [][2] = { // tableau de couples de valeurs (pwm entre 0 et 255, ms) {50, 1000}, // speed = 50, ms = 1000 {200, 5000}, {100, 2000}, {100, 10000}, {255, 3000}, {255, 4000}, {50, 5000}, {50, 10000}, // finir avec la meme vitesse }; float currentSpeed = 0; // Effect Hall sensor const int hallPin = 10; // the pin that the pushhall is attached to int hallPushCounter = 0; // counter for the number of hall presses int hallState = 0; // current state of the hall int lasthallState = 0; // previous state of the hall void setup() { // Communication Serial.begin(9600); // Sensor setup pinMode(hallPin, INPUT); // Motor Setup pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // motor 2 PWM pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // motor 2 INA: Clockwise input pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // motor 2 INB: Counter-clockwise input digitalWrite(4, LOW); digitalWrite(9, LOW); // Motor direction digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // 4 or 9 delay(2000); } void loop() { // Launch seauence of speed variations readMotorSequence(); } // Speed variations void readMotorSequence(){ int destSpeed = 0; int destDuration = 0; float deltaSpeed; // boucle sur la seauence globale for (int i = 0; i < NB_SEQUENCE; i++) // nombre de seauence = 5 { destSpeed = speedSequence[i][0]; // recupere les valeurs du tableau de seauence destDuration = speedSequence[i][1]; deltaSpeed = (destSpeed - currentSpeed ) / (destDuration / DURATION_SAMPLING) ; // calcul du delta de la vitesse /* // DEBUG Serial.println("*******************"); Serial.print(destSpeed); Serial.print(" " ); Serial.println(destDuration); Serial.print(" " ); Serial.println(deltaSpeed); */ // interpolation de la vitesse vers la vitesse de destination destSpeed for (int t = 0 ; t < destDuration ; t = t + DURATION_SAMPLING) { //Serial.print("Speed: "); //Serial.println(currentSpeed); // Motor speed analogWrite(6, (int) currentSpeed); currentSpeed = currentSpeed + deltaSpeed; // Get and send sensor value at the same time getHallSensor(); delay(DURATION_SAMPLING); } } } // Get value of hall sensor and send it through Serial communication void getHallSensor() { hallState = digitalRead(hallPin); if (hallState != lasthallState) { if (hallState == HIGH) { Serial.write(hallPushCounter); // better than Serial.println(hallPushCounter); hallPushCounter++; } } lasthallState = hallState; }
// A COMMENTER ! // ....... // Libs import*; import processing.serial.*; Capture videocam; Serial myserial; // Setup int W = 1280; //1920x1080 ou 1280x720 ou 1024x768 int H = 720; int R = 30; // 15 ou 30 String CAM_NAME = "/dev/video2"; // a changer String ARDUINO_NAME = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; // a changer boolean DEBUG = false; // afficher la liste des ports série et résolutions de caméra // Other variables int sensorValue; int lastSensorValue = 0; int sensorTime; int lastSensorTime =0; PFont f; String val; float rpm; void setup () { fullScreen(); // ou alors size (1280, 720, P2D); background(0); // Affichage des résolutions et des ports séries disponibles if (DEBUG) { printArray(Serial.list()); printArray(Capture.list()); } // Arduino myserial = new Serial(this, ARDUINO_NAME, 9600); // Webcam videocam = new Capture(this, W, H, CAM_NAME, R); videocam.start(); // Font f = createFont("SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf", 100); textFont(f); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); } void draw () { // Read Webcam if (videocam.available ()) { (); } // Choose : "image (videocam, 0, 0)" ou "set(0, 0, videocam)"; set(0, 0, videocam); // Display text String t = str((int)rpm) + " T/m"; text(t, W/2, H/2); } // Read serial value (from Serial.write() in the Arduino program) void serialEvent (Serial myPort) { sensorValue =; // Find the RPM if (sensorValue != lastSensorValue) { sensorTime = millis() - lastSensorTime ; rpm = 60000 / sensorTime; } lastSensorTime = millis(); lastSensorValue = sensorValue; }
Code pour afficher les images du projet :